Back to Old Cokesbury College and Hodges

Back in April, as previously written about , I went along with Tom Taylor down to Shoals Junction and other nearby communities, including Cokesbury and Hodges. In researching my April blog post, I discovered historic Old Cokesbury College would be open to the public on June 23rd and 24th as part of the Festival of Flowers, and I immediately made the decision to tolerate the heat and go back to tour the historic college. It would also give me an opportunity to look for the Southern Railway depot in Hodges I didn't know about during my last visit. Old Cokesbury College Old Cokesbury College, as I'll call it for simplicity's sake, is a historic building located in the community of Cokesbury, Greenwood County, South Carolina . From its construction in 1854 until 1874, the building was home to the Masonic Female College of South Carolina, sponsored by the Bascombe Lodge No. 90 of Free Mason. In 1874, long term financial difficulties forced the cl...