Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve

Last week during a period of warm of weather, I visited Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve in northern Greenville County, SC to hike the Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve trail , a 2.75 mile long hiking trail passing over Squirrel Mountain and ending at the South Pacolet River. View Larger Map I parked among the two or three cars already in the parking area, and made for the trailhead. Trailhead photo taken on return The first portion of the trail is not difficult, but remainder is of moderate difficulty. I met a two people heading back in this section. Where the trail ends at the river, I met two more hikers. Those were the last two I met during the hike. The trail's end is marked with a log pile. ... I chose to cross over the river to explore the north side. Instead of my waterproof hiking boots I normally wear, I had on a pair of sandals I recently bought. These sandals made crossing over the river quite easy, although the water level was so low the boots would have worked just as...