Tracing the Swamp Rabbit Railroad, part 2

Back in May 2012 , I traced the long abandoned portion of the Swamp Rabbit Railroad from where the Swamp Rabbit Trail currently ends just north of Travelers Rest then up to the River Falls area. Sunset forced an end to my trip before I felt the job was done, so I went back a few days ago to see what else I could find. But this time I was not alone. +Ed Clem , aka the Duck Hunter joined me on this adventure. We've been chatting over the internet for a few months now, so it was nice to finally have a chance to meet him in person. We settled on meeting at the U.S. Post Office in Cleveland, SC on US 276/SC 11 to start our adventure since it's within walking distance of some trestle remnants. Our adventure covers the northern area, long abandoned, of the Swamp Rabbit Railroad: View Abandoned Railroad: Greenville and Northern (Swamp Rabbit) in a larger map Update 1/7/2014 : The map above has been superceded by a Google Maps Lite version . The biggest difference is in the River F...