Gosnell cabin

Today, I visited Gosnell cabin , a 200 year old cabin located at the Mauldin Cultural Center on 101 East Butler Road in Mauldin, South Carolina. From about 1805 until 2009, this cabin was located near Poinsett Bridge on property now owned by the Boy Scouts of America for Camp Old Indian . In 2009, the cabin was relocated to its current location next to Murray Drive and renovated. The original owner of the cabin was Gresham Callahan, who bought 65 acres of land from John Hodges in 1805. Ownership would pass to John H. Goodwin, and then to John Gosnell in 1875. In 1927, the Boy Scouts of America bought the property and cabin for a camp, but Luther Gosnell remained in the cabin as a caretaker until his death in 1941. In 2009, the cabin was in need of repair, but the camp didn't have the means to perform a restoration. The cabin was moved to the Mauldin Cultural Center, restored, and available for viewing and touring. Yeah! I liked the rustic touches they added, like these wooden roc...