A brief visit to the Children's Graveyard

Thackston Road After visiting the Travelers Rest History Museum last Sunday, I traveled the few miles south to visit the Children's Graveyard. I've hearing some commotion about the land being cleared and wanted to see for myself what was going on. The commotion also seems to keep my visit from 2011 near the top of my page views. The land has indeed been cleared around the graveyard. This is my photo of the entrance from 2011: Using a 1921 Greenville County soil map and using the old Swamp Rabbit Railroad path as a fixed reference, the church stood by the road somewhere between the old road above and the corner convenience store. If I had to guess, I'd place it nearer to the old road. All the trees have been cut making the graves much easier to spot. From the old road, the corner convenience store is now visible. I found the fence surrounding one grave is gone now gone. 2013: 2011: I didn't spend much time there, but I did spot a toy car possibly left by some ghost...