Swamp Rabbit Trail expands north

The newest extension to the Swamp Rabbit Trail opened to the public on July 22nd with a ceremony and media coverage by WSPA , TR Tribune , among others. This new extension runs from the parking area near Grandview Memorial Gardens to Tate Road as shown here on this map: I took advantage of the abnormally cool and pleasant weather to explore this new section yesterday. With a paved trail and no sharp rises or falls, I was able to walk the distance rather quickly. I only saw a few bikers and no hikers today. I took in sights I normally can't when driving up U.S. 276, just a few feet away. The trail turns away from U.S. 276 near Rock Quarry Road, closely matching the old railroad right-of-way. The trail then passes over a small creek. A short distance later the trail ends at Tate Road. The "for now..." on the sign means more expansion toward Slater-Marietta is being planned for an undetermined future time . The old railroad right-of-way continues on behind and to the right...