A few stops along Pumpkintown Road
"Pool" During my trip to and from Pinnacle Falls with Eric on April 17th , we made a few quick stops along the way. "Pool" On the way there, we stopped on Pumpkintown Road to take a few photos of an abandoned service station. A 1961 USGS quad map shows a building on this exact spot. The map also shows a road beside it on the left side leading to buildings that may no longer exist according to a current satellite view. The only possible clue to the name of the building is the word "pool" at the top over the service bays. Pumpkintown General Store and Cafe A store has been a fixture on the southwest corner of the intersection of S.C. 8 and S.C. 288 for many years. Succeeding generations of Burgess family members have owned the store since 1938. The Pickens County Library has posted to its Flickr account a few photos of what must have been an earlier building than what's currently standing. On the opposite corner is a produce stand. In going through the G...