Apple Country Tour: 2018 Edition

About a month ago, I made my annual trek up to Henderson County, North Carolina to buy some apples and do a bit of exploring along the way. This year, much like my recent trip to Renno , I decided to revisit some of the places I've been to before to see what, if anything, has changed. Staton's Grocery Staton's Grocery is located just south of Tuxedo on N.C. 225 (Old U.S. 25) near the intersection with Green River Road . The store was built in 1920 by Ulysses Staton who also operated the store until his death. His wife, Effie, then operated the store until her death in 1981. The building later used as an antiques store, but is currently unoccupied. My first visit here was in 2012 , and looks much the same except the Dr. Pepper sign once above the left window is now gone. Tuxedo Community Store Continuing up N.C. 225, the old Tuxedo Community Store building sits across the street from where the Tuxedo's textile mill once stood (now the site of Tuxedo Park). This build...