A Hike In The Eastatoe Creek Heritage Preserve

A return trip to Rocky Bottom has been on my radar since last year when I explored Rocky Bottom Creek. This time I wanted to explore Eastatoe Creek down to The Narrows on Eastatoe Creek. Fortunately, my vacation time coincided with good weather for a change and I made the hour or so trip to Rocky Bottom. I parked in the Foothills Trail access parking area. I had to place to myself. From previous trips, I knew there was could have been an old logging road leading out the back of the parking area. The old road leads downhill toward Eastatoe Creek. Good road! Except the road was taking a slight left curve toward private property. Bad road! Continuing straight away from private property wasn't really an option since that was heading sharply downhill into a gorge and would require a way too steep uphill climb. I went to plan B and headed back to my car and went down Horse Pasture Road to the small parking area for the Eastatoe Creek Heritage Preserve. I parked off to the side to not blo...